We verify the stability and compatibility of the software through the WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs)
certification testing process of the Microsoft Windows operating system.

What is WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs) certification?
This is a certification scheme that guarantees that the components and peripherals of a computer work fine with the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Microsoft offers complete compatibility standards to ensure that hardware and software run reliably on the Microsoft Windows operating system and verifies it with the WHQL certification testing process.
Passing the WHQL certification test means that the digital signature file provided by Microsoft is available to have your driver signed with and that you may use the official Windows Logo.
WHQL Certification Service by DEVGURU: Distinctive Features
1. From certificate issuance to WHQL certification all-at-once!
- DEVGURU not only provides the WHQL hardware certification service but also the USB Vendor ID and certificate issuance service for the code signing required for device driver configuration. We provide everything you need for WHQL hardware certification from preparation to submission all at once so that the WHQL certification for hardware and drivers can be completed all at once.
2. DEVGURU’s accumulated know-how based on successful certification records over XX times
- DEVGURU provides accurate solutions meeting our customers’ needs based on our know-how accumulated by working with over XX clients and acquiring over XX certificates.
3. DEVGURU for biometric device certification using Windows Hello!
- DEVGURU also provides a certification process for the biometric sensors introduced by Microsoft to comply with the Windows Hello quality guidelines.
WHQL Certification procedure
WHQL Certification Inquiries
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Technical inquiry
(Gasan-dong) A-1102, 168, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea